Become a member

CND provides a voice for the millions of people who want a world without nuclear weapons. Please join us and add your voice to the campaign.

By joining CND you help to fund the world’s largest single-issue peace movement, and your voice adds strength to the campaign. CND is run by its members, who can attend our annual conference to decide the direction of the campaign.

As a member, you will receive

  • Your CND membership card and badge
  • A regular magazine to keep you up to date with all the latest campaigning, action and ways to get involved
  • A broad range of information about nuclear disarmament
  • Information about your local CND group, or advice and support to set up your own

By joining CND you agree to abide by the aims and objectives of CND as detailed in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. In the event of CND being wound up, you commit to pay the sum of £1 towards the costs.

Already a member? Renew your membership here.