Worthing Peace Group invites you to commemorate Nagasaki Day at 11:30am on 9th August 2024 – all welcome.
11:15am Gather at the Peace Tree in Homefield Park (just along the path from the side entrance off Homefield Road to the left from Lyndhurst Road end)
11:30 Pauline Fraser – Welcome and introduction to the event
11:40 David Mumford tells the story of an eyewitness to the devastation at Hiroshima
11:50 Update on TPNW and invitation to sign letter to Worthing West MP Dr Beccy Cooper
12:00 What progress has Worthing Council made to adopt the declaration on nuclear ban communities?
12:10 Sylvia Knight reads a peace poem by Connie Fraser, followed by a minute’s silence to remember the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
12:20 Invitation to decorate the tree with paper cranes and letter signing to Worthing West MP Dr Beccy Cooper
12:30 Close of commemoration
Please bring a chair if you wish and a crane to place on the tree.
Homefield Park