Anti-NATO protest voices from around the world!

Angelo Cardona, Columbia | Bernhard Trautvetter, Germany | Darnska-Réty, France | David Swanson, USA | Isabelle Vanbrabant, Belgium | Jeannie Toschi M. Visconti, Italy | Jeremy Corbyn MP, United Kingdom | John Lannon, Ireland | Joseph Gerson, USA | Laura Capote, Colombia | Leo Gabriel Austria, Austria | Malalai Joya, Afghanistan | Marc Botenga, Belgium | Marzia Ronconi, France | Nilufer Koc, Kurdistan | Oz Karahan, Cyprus | Özlem Demirel, Germany | Pablo Dominguez, Montenegro | Pablo Ruiz, Chile | Pat Elder, USA | Rae Street, United Kingdom | Rhonda Ramiro, USA | Sadet Karabulut, Netherlands | Sissy Vovou, Greece | Tamara Lorincz , Canada | Ulla Kotzer, Finland | Veronique Coteur, Belgium | Vijay Prashad, India | Yildiz Temürtürkan, Turkey | Yuri Sheliazhenko , Ukraine.

Moderation: Kate Hudson and Reiner Braun

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