Organised by the Peace History Conference group, with Greater Manchester & District CND and the Working Class Movement Library, this year’s Peace History Conference will consider examples of state spying on peace campaigns and explore the lessons of this history for today’s activists.

The speakers and topics include:
• Journalist Rob Evans on undercover cops in 1960s – 1970s peace and environmental movements
• MP and campaigner Jeremy Corbyn on state surveillance of the peace movement and Labour Left MPs
• Historian Dr Ali Ronan on surveillance of 1920s/30s pacifist groups, including Peace Pledge Union and War No More
• Filmmaker Jason Kirkpatrick (Coming documentary: ‘Spycops’) on the human impact of police infiltration

The webinar is free and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

For any queries, please contact or phone 0161 273 8283.