Times and destinations as follows:
- 10-10.30am near the Russian Embassy at the junction of Kensington Palace Gardens and Bayswater Road, W8
- 11-11.30am at the French Embassy at 58 Knightsbridge SW1
- 12 noon-12.30pm at German Embassy, 23 Belgrave Square/Chesham Place SW1.
- 1.30-2pm outside Downing Street.
“Since the historic UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons came into force in 2021, nuclear weapons have become illegal in the countries that have signed up. The UK is refusing to engage but we want our government to participate.
By attending 1MSP as observers and then signing up the the TPNW, nuclear states can take concrete steps towards de-escalating world tensions and ensuring a lasting peace. The alternative – a nuclear arms race and further global proliferation of nuclear weapons – would be a disaster for the entire planet.”
Trident Ploughshares spokesperson David Polden said:
“With NATO and Russia issuing dangerous nuclear threats against each other over the war in Ukraine, it’s about time that the nuclear powers realised that possessing nuclear weapons does not make them any safer, only risked their annihilation.”