Was President Truman justified in ordering the atomic-bombing of Japan?
What would you do if you were a world leader during a nuclear weapons crisis?
What are pressure groups, and what would yours focus on?
CND’s education programme engages thousands of school students across England with questions like these each year. We empower students with knowledge on nuclear weapons and peace issues, so that they can come to their own conclusions on these crucial matters. We offer:
- Free, cross-curricular workshops and assemblies for Years 3 through to 13
- Free, award-winning peace education materials, both online and to order
- Free ITE and CPD training for teaching staff and students
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We also have six free teaching packs, which provide lesson plans and accompanying resources to enable teachers to run our activities with their own students. Our sessions and resources are highly relevant to the curriculum in numerous subjects, including English, RE, History, Citizenship and Physics; as well as helping to meet SMSC and Prevent requirements. Our work is very highly-regarded!

In addition, we offer free training sessions for new teachers – and CPD for established teachers – on how to best explore controversial issues in the classroom.

We also work with extra-curricular groups, like the Scouts (here making origami peace cranes):