Michael Foot was one of the founders of CND, and was leader of the Labour Party and leader of the opposition from 1980 to 1983. He famously fought the 1983 election on a far-sighted manifesto commitment to British nuclear disarmament. Speaking of this in 2005, he said, ‘We put forward an intelligent approach to CND’s issues in the manifesto… measures not only for abolishing nuclear weapons here… but also putting forward proposals for securing nuclear disarmament internationally: to open discussions on getting rid of nuclear weapons across the whole field.’ CND’s policy on elections is based on a resolution moved by Foot at 1962 Annual Conference – it upheld CND’s independent campaigning role and said that it would work to influence all parties and not support any one candidate. |
What is 60 faces of CND? Founded in 1958 at the height of the Cold War, CND has been a powerful collective voice against the dangers of nuclear weapons. CND’s greatest strength has always been its members. Here we take a look at 60 Faces of CND, |
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