CND chair Carol Naughton and STWC chair Andrew Murray will be joined by leading members of the artistic community:

Mark Rylance – actor/artistic director (Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre)
Susannah Harker – actor (House of Cards and Pride and Prejudice)
Malcolm Tierney – actor (DC Raymond in Dalziel and Pascoe)
Kika Markham – actor
Philip Quast – actor (Olivier Award winner)
Pandit G- John Pandit – member of Mercury -nominated Asian Dub Foundation
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – writer and columnist
Simon Thomas MP for Ceredigion (Plaid Cymru) will be joining them.

The text of the petition reads:

‘We the undersigned oppose any military attack on Iraq by the USA or Britain and urge the British Government to oppose any such proposal.’

They will hand in 56,400 signatures collected by members and supporters of both organisations over the past 12 weeks on petition forms around the country. In addition, they will deliver the URL of the online petition, on which there are 18,100 signatures. This is the first time that CND has delivered a petition to the Prime Minister in this way.

Carol Naughton, chair of CND has said:
‘I am delighted that we are getting such strong support from such prominent actors and writers. We must use all forms of protest to bring tremendous pressure to bear on our government. I will be joining CND members and supporters in Whitehall at 6pm.’

For further information, photo opportunities and media interviews on this event contact the CND press officer, Ian Martin on 07968-420859

For further CND actions later today contact Ian Martin on 07968-420859
For further STWC actions later today contact Andrew Burgin on 07939-242229
