CND has welcomed a letter from churches representing over 800,000 Christians to the Prime Minister David Cameron, asking him to consider deferring a decision on Trident and stating their commitment to a world free of nuclear weapons.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland, the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church have joined forces to call on the Prime Minister to choose policies which will offer ‘greatest support to those of our neighbours who are the weakest, the most vulnerable and the most in need of our help’. As well as calling on Cameron to ‘support the international call to make the use of nuclear weapons illegitimate under international law’, the churches also call for changes in the welfare system.
CND General Secretary Kate Hudson said:
‘This letter by the church is the latest evidence of the faith community raising concerns about Trident. CND works with religious communities of all faiths, including the UK Hindu Council, the Methodist Church, the Muslim Association of Britain and the Baptists who all agree that possessing nuclear weapons is morally wrong. I hope David Cameron agrees to their request for a meeting and listens to what they have to say on the issue.’