Press Release – 26th February 2004 – for immediate use

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said today that whistleblower’s claims added further weight to concerns that a US spy base on UK soil participates in illegal espionage and works to further the aims of US foreign policy, not UK security. The government decision to drop the legal case against GCHQ whistleblower Katherine Gun and Clare Shorts’ allegations about the bugging of UN chief Kofi Annan put the spotlight firmly on the Menwith Hill US spy base near Harrogate.

Campaigners have drawn attention to the fact that Menwith Hill base in North Yorkshire is run by the US National Security Agency. It was the NSA which sent the now infamous memo leaked by Katherine Gun. The memo asked for help from the British Intelligence agencies to collect information about the voting intentions of UN Security Council members. CND has expressed concern that Menwith Hill may have been involved in Iraq war espionage activities including those that Katherine Gunn exposed.

Kate Hudson, chair of CND said:

“This is further proof that Menwith Hill is here to further US interest and not to defend the national security of the United Kingdom. It also suggests that US bases in the UK were being used for Illegal activity to promote an illegal war in Iraq. There are clearly serious questions to be answered by the government on the role of US bases in the UK”

CND will be holding a Blockade of the Menwith base on the 19th of March. ‘Block the Base’ will draw attention to the base’s illegal activities and highlight its role in war planning by the US and UK governments and its role in star wars.

CND has an active campaign to highlight the role of US bases in Britain and has particular expertise on Menwith Hill. CND can provide comment from a leading expert on Menwith Hill US base.


Notes to Editor
1. For further information please contact Ruth Tanner CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859
2. For interviews and comment from Prof David Webb an academic and leading expert on Menwith Hill contact Ruth Tanner CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859
3. For further information on ‘Block the Base’, the Blockade of Menwith Hill contact Ruth Tanner CND’s Press & Communications Officer on 0207 7002350 or 07968 420859
4. CND has an active campaign to highlight the role of US bases in Britain and has particular expertise on Menwith Hill
5. CND is one of Europe’s biggest single-issue peace campaigns, with over 32,000 members in the UK.