For immediate release: 30 January 2004

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will be opposite the gates of Downing Street this Saturday from 12 noon to 2pm to make clear their continued demands for a full, independent and public inquiry in to the reasons for going to war with Iraq. CND, Stop the War and MAB will join forces once again to demonstrate to the Prime Minister the growing demands for such an inquiry and to help sustain the momentum in the political community, the media and the general public to ensure that Hutton is not used to avoid the real issues.

Kate Hudson – Chair of CND – said,

“Hutton has said his piece and a lot of people are unconvinced by his findings, but we must now concentrate on the real issues. Hutton doesn’t and shouldn’t be allowed to let the government off the hook on the war with Iraq. We still need to know what the real reasons for the war on Iraq were, why it was so necessary to go to war when we did, why the evidence was so flawed and why the government claim to have believed it. Rapidly this government is losing its credibility and if they are to regain it then they must open themselves up to full, open and independent scrutiny on the real issues.”

Kate Hudson will join other CND supporters and members of STWC and MAB outside the MOD opposite Downing Street with placards and banners to make their protest felt and are calling on anyone that can join them to do so.