Each signature, each ratification of the #NuclearBan chips away at the legitimacy of nuclear weapons. As long-time disarmament champions, African states can lead the way to a world without nuclear weapons by joining the #TPNW! @_AfricanUnion @AU_PSD https://t.co/GsypPbHR2g
— ICAN (@nuclearban) April 4, 2019
.@acrl_rfp staff @WairimuNgayu joins @CelinwNahory, @BeatriceFihn and Bekele Gonfa attending the ongoing AU Peace and Security Council in Addis Ababa to lobby @AU_PSD for signature and ratification of the #TPNW. @nuclearban @ICAN_France pic.twitter.com/7eZNc6e2zP
— African Council of Religious Leaders (@acrl_rfp) April 4, 2019