Support our Winter Appeal

The current global situation highlights just how urgent our campaign for a safer, saner world is.  At home, Boris Johnson has announced a masssive increase in military spending at the same time as a pay freeze for key workers. Internationally, momentum is building towards global nuclear abolition, with the UN’s Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) about to enter into force.

However, our income is dropping just when we need it most.  We need to raise crucial funds in order to avoid having to cut back on our activities, like our youth work, our publications, and our outreach to the public.

For us to start cutting back at this critical moment would be a huge setback. Can you help with a donation?

With your help we can really advance our cause over the next few months. Without it we may lose this opportunity. Please, if you can, donate today so we can keep campaigning for a nuclear-free world.