Support our urgent winter appeal

60 Day Countdown: donations urgently needed for CND’s vital campaigning in the lead up to the crucial Non-Proliferation Treaty review Conference in January 2022.

With Boris Johnson showing repeated contempt for international law, and determined to increase nuclear spending while slashing welfare, this review  is enormously important. Only once every five years do the signatories of the NPT gather to assess progress towards disarmament, which means this is a vital chance to shine a spotlight on the Government’s illegal behaviour.

So we’re engaging in some of our most intensive lobbying for years, both in preparation for the upcoming conference, and in marshalling domestic opposition to the Government’s appalling policies.

But we need your help: we’ve had a great response so far, but we still need to raise at least £14,000 to cover all the campaigning costs involved.

Please donate today to our urgent winter appeal and help fund our campaigning in the run-up to January’s crucial NPT Review Conference.