On the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, join Scottish CND and Dr Ian Fairlie to discuss lessons for nuclear power in today’s world.
11 March 2021 marks 10 years since the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant – a disaster whose legacy continues to unfold.
Dr Ian Fairlie – member of the Scottish CND Executive Committee, Vice-President of CND UK, and an independent consultant on radioactivity – will speak on the effect of the Fukushima nuclear disaster and its lessons for here and now.
In a world where nuclear power continues to be touted as a “green” alternative, it has never been more urgent to understand the true human and environmental cost of nuclear power, and to face up to the real threat of disasters like the one which happened at Fukushima.
For any enquiries, please contact scnd@banthebomb.org