At a time of increasing global threats and amid an unstable political situation, we will be meeting in Bristol on Saturday and Sunday 20th-21st October to decide our direction for the next year and discuss how we respond to the challenges ahead.

On Saturday is our AGM and Policy Conference, and we urge as many groups and members as possible to come and contribute to the discussions. Registration opens at 9.30am and conference closes at 5pm.

And Sunday‘s open public conference is a chance to learn from past and present campaigning techniques, in discussion with other activists, while we look to our future work. Registration opens at 10am and conference closes at 4pm.

Both days will take place in the centre of Bristol at the historic Wills Memorial Building, on Queens Road, University of Bristol. (Directions are available on the university’s website.)

Please see our CND Conference 2018 page for full details, including registration and agendas.

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University of Bristol