A weekend of action across Scotland has shown the depth of opposition to Trident – culminating in hundreds blockading the Trident submarine base at Faslane today.
Saturday saw around three thousand people march with MSPs and trade unionists through Glasgow. On Sunday, nonviolent direct action workshops were held, and today up to 500 activists are blockading Faslane naval base – home to the nuclear-armed Vanguard-class submarines. It is a true expression of the country’s vocal majority who oppose nuclear weapons.
While polls across the UK show a consistent majority against Trident and its replacement, Scottish opposition is exceptionally high. A poll recently carried out by TNS BMRB for Scottish CND showed opposition to Trident replacement in Scotland as high as 80%.
CND Chair, Dave Webb, who is joining the blockade of Faslane on behalf of CND, said that we are ‘standing with the Scottish people who are showing once again that they do not want nuclear weapons in their country.’ He said that ‘the only real insurance against nuclear weapons is to work seriously for a global treaty that will abolish them once and for all.’
With the referendum on Scottish independence due in September 2014, the possible ejection of Trident from Scotland has been high on the political and media agenda. The Scottish National Party has repeatedly confirmed its commitment to eject Trident from an independent Scotland.
CND General Secretary Kate Hudson said ‘It is inspiring to see such widespread support for today’s blockade at Faslane and the organisers and activists, including Scottish CND, are to be congratulated. It’s no surprise that when people hear the amount of money being spent on Trident and its replacement – and at the same time see the savage cuts to their local services – it’s a clarion call for action.’