Join Extinction Rebellion’s Weekend of Resistance to support the future of our planet, and to say Climate not Trident!

Extinction Rebellion is working on a plan to see the movement growing in numbers and building momentum towards Spring 2023. On October 14-16 will be the next step in that journey. We will come together in London for a long weekend of action, outreach, music, talks and trainings, and loads more.

The plans are as follows:

October 14 – Action at Downing Street
October will be a month of mass disruption from a cross section of movements and on October 14th Extinction Rebellion will take the action to Downing Street. Meet at Trafalgar Square at 12pm and stand with thousands of others to show this corrupt, unelected government that we refuse to be pushed around.

We will stay there together until 6pm, irrespective of the police response.

BRING your energy bills! Bring your messages of hope, love and rage against spiralling costs and the destruction of the planet!

The action is an opportunity to raise awareness of the climate emergency, to demand change and to highlight the crucial links between climate change and nuclear weapons – the twin existential threats that we face. The two issues are closely linked. The fallout of a nuclear war would have devastating effects on our eco-system and even a ‘small’ localised nuclear conflict would lead to crops failing in dozens of countries — devastating food supplies for more than one billion people. And a nuclear winter would dramatically alter the chemistry of the oceans, probably decimating coral reefs and other marine ecosystems. Find out more about CND’s Climate not Trident campaign.

For the future of us all, the solution to climate change must involve global nuclear disarmament.


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