The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has criticised the Trident Commission’s support for the replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system as a ‘rehash of Cold War thinking’.
CND General Secretary Kate Hudson said:
‘It is lamentable that three years of hard work has not moved on the debate around Britain’s weapons of mass destruction.
‘The Trident Commission should have listened to the majority of the British people who oppose Trident replacement – and the overwhelming majority internationally who want to see a world free of these monstrous and outdated weapons. Instead the Commission has produced a rehash of Cold War thinking which fails to acknowledge that the world has moved on.
‘The Government’s own National Security Strategy downgraded the likelihood of a state-on-state nuclear attack: prioritising terrorism, climate change and cyber warfare. To suggest that the UK should spend £100bn on a weapons system which we could never use and which doesn’t meet the threats we face is mindboggling.
‘Britain must not remain stuck in the past: which is exactly what the Trident Commission recommends that we do.’