The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the Campaign Against the Arms Trade and the Green Party together with Mark Thomas, satirist and peace activist, are launching “White Ribbons for Peace”
Wednesday 12 February, House of Commons, Jubilee Room, 11.30am
The majority of the people of Britain are against going to war with Iraq, yet Mr Blair does not give them recognition. The organisations have come together with Mark Thomas to urge everyone to show their opposition to war by wearing a common symbol, a white ribbon.
Any proceeds of the sale of the ribbons will go to help pay for taking Mr Blair, Mr Hoon and Mr Straw to the International Criminal Court should this war go ahead and crimes against humanity are perpetrated.
Mark Thomas said:
“I hope the white ribbon for peace becomes a common sight that helps demonstrate the massive opposition to this unjust, illogical and illegal war. Any money raised will be used to try and make Blair legally accountable for any war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in our name. If you stand for peace and want to put Blair in the dock buy a white ribbon.”
Carol Naughton, chair of CND said:
“If this war goes ahead it will be crime against humanity. All of us need a common symbol to demonstrate to Tony Blair, and to each other, the sheer scale of opposition from people of all religious and political callings to this potential slaughter.”
Picture Editors: Photo call with a giant white ribbon at the House of Commons 11.30 am.
For further information call: 07736 698702