CND groups and sections run some of Glastonbury Festival’s lock-ups, providing an essential service to festival-goers but also providing another opportunity to spread the anti-nuclear message.
Brian Jones from CND Cymru co-ordinated this work for years: “At a “Sea Action” conference in Birmingham, Andy Pritchard, then employed by West Midlands CND, asked us if we wanted to join a new project that he was setting up at the 1994 Glastonbury festival: property lockups. The lockups allow festival goers to leave anything – from car keys to laptops – safely with us, free of charge, knowing that they’ll be able to pick up their property whenever they want.
“We’ve organised the CND Cymru team of volunteers ever since, alongside other teams from Greater Manchester and District CND, Isle of Wight CND, Yorkshire CND, Youth and Student CND, Birmingham Friends of the Earth, and the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre. We handle about 20,000 items every festival.
“Each group gets paid by the festival for operating this service, which helps these groups to continue our campaigning work.”
Here is the CND Cymru crew in 2014: